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I turisti di Rio Negro hanno la possibilità di provare il beach handball nell'estate 2022

As it does every summer, the province of Rio Negro, in Argentina, is launching a diverse agenda of sports and other family activities in the territory’s main tourist hotspots in 2022. In Grutas, Playas Doradas, Viedma, El Cóndor, Bariloche, El Bolsón, and Lake Pellegrini, the Sports Secretariat will join vacationers throughout January and February, encouraging them to take part in physical outdoor activities. This year, they will also be joined by representatives of the Patagonia Beach Handball Circuit, who will introduce members of the public to this quickly growing sport.

Getting involved in new activities that everyone can feel passionate about is a great way for families to stay active and spend quality time together. Beach handball in particular is an excellent sport for families to take up together, because it can be enjoyed by children, teenagers, and adults alike. It also gives players a chance to spend time outdoors and meet new, like-minded people.

The popularity of beach handball is growing quickly, especially among youth in Argentina. The country hosted the 2018 Youth Olympic Games, where beach handball made its Olympic debut, and in 2020, the Argentina Beach Handball Circuit was launched. Many Argentines will now likely be familiar with the sport, and looking for an opportunity to try it themselves. Giving members of the public the chance to meet players in person will also draw attention to the Patagonia Beach Handball Circuit, and get families interested in going to see matches together.

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